- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering. The City University of New York. 1989
- M.S., Chemical Engineering. The City University of New York. 1989
- B.A., Economics, Magna cum laude. The City College of New York. 1984
Research Interests
Complex fluids, self-assembly, surfactants, non-equilibrium interfaces, parallelizable means of creating nanostructured materials.
- Moniraj Ghosh, Fengqiu Fan and Kathleen J. Stebe, “Spontaneous Pattern Formation by Dip Coating of Colloidal Suspensions on Homogeneous Surfaces”, Langmuir, 23, 2180-2183, 2007
- Ram Hanumanthu and Kathleen J. Stebe “Surfactant-enhanced Thermocapillary Flow in a Two-Dimensional Cavity”, Phys. Fluids, 19, Art No. 042103, 2007
- Noshir S. Pesika, A. Radisic, Kathleen J. Stebe,* and Peter C. Searson* (* corresponding authors) “Fabrication of Complex Architectures Using Electrodeposition into Patterned Self Assembled Monolayers” Nanoletters, 6 (5), 1023-1026, 2006
- Eric Lewandowski, Kathleen Stebe, Peter C. Searson, “A Nanocylinder at a Fluid Interface,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 4283-4290, 2006
- Pesika, N. S., Fan, F., Searson, P. C. and Stebe, K.J. “Site-Selective Patterning Using Surfactant-Based Resists” J.A.C.S., 127, 11960-11962, 2005