Whiting School of Engineering

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

ChemBE Career Network

ChemBE Career Network

Who are we, and what is our mission?
HCCN members include Hopkins alumni and friends of Hopkins in industry, academia, government, and a variety of other careers. Our mission is to support current Hopkins students in their career planning, including the identification and realization of a satisfying career path for each individual.

Want a job or internship?
(click to download)

Post your resume here

Recent Job/Internship Announcements
Job Resource Center, powered by AfterCollege

JHU Career Center
How to use the Career Center
Resources, Samples, and Guides
Sample Resume
Alumni Advice on Getting a Job

AIChE Student Web Page

Would you like to be an Industry Liaison?
Industry Liaison Form 

ChemBE Career Network Contact Information

Justin Hanes



.Nano and Micro Technology

.Cell and Molecular Biotechnology

.Interfacial Phenomena

.Computational Biology and Functional Genomics

.Molecular Thermodynamics

.Drug Delivery, Biomaterials, and Tissue Engineering